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Props are used to pass data around your project. They are typesafe and easily accessible anywhere in your project.


This page will focus on use cases. For a detailed explaination of the props api, see the API page on it.

Setting Props

For this example, we're using a knex database. In order to access the knex data in our bot, we must first add it as a prop:

import { JellyCommands } from 'jellycommands';
import knex from 'knex';

const db = knex();

const client = new JellyCommands({
    props: {

We should also update our src/app.d.ts with the correct type, so that when we use our prop we have intellisense.

/// <reference types="jellycommands/ambient" />

// See
interface Props {
    db: import('knex').Knex

We can now access our database with the db prop wherever client is available.

Getting Props

To access our database in a command, for example, we can use the props api:

import { command } from 'jellycommands';

export default command({
    name: 'proptest',
    description: 'A command for testing props',
    run: ({ interaction, client, props }) => {
        // It will be correctly typed as Knex!
        const db = props.db

        // You could also access it from the client
        const db = client.props.db

        // We can now use our knex db

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